President: Joanne ‘Joey’ Mason
Secretary: Andrew Vitz
Treasurer: Shawn Carey
Joey Mason has been committed to an ongoing American Kestrel nest box and banding project around cranberry bogs since 1989. She has participated in the Cape May Raptor Banding Project in the fall since 1985 and has been a licensed master bander since 2000. She has been coordinator to the Raptor Retrofit Project to prevent osprey electrocutions and is now working on making methane flares raptor friendly. She has enjoyed giving educational raptor presentations for many years.
Andrew Vitz, Ph.D. received a B.S. degree from the University of Wisconsin and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Ohio State University where he studied the effects of forest management on migratory songbirds. Following graduate school, he was an avian ecologist at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pennsylvania, where he managed the Powdermill Avian Research Center and it’ well known bird banding program. Andrew has been the state ornithologist for the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife since 2012 and has been working on a kestrel nest box and monitoring program since 2013. He has published a number of scientific journal articles and has also contributed to regional birding magazines.
Shawn Carey is a professional photographer and producer of Migration Productions (see He has been teaching wildlife photography for Mass Audubon for the past 13 years. His photos have been published in the Boston Globe, New York Times, Mass Audubon Sanctuary magazine, Hawk Mountain Sanctuary magazine, Science magazine and many others over the last 10+ years. Shawn’s full time job is Operations Manager at AVFX located in Boston, Massachusetts. He also serves on the Massachusetts Audubon Society Advisory Board and Mass Audubon Visual Arts Center of Canton, MA Advisory Board, and is Past President and current Vice President of Eastern Mass Hawk Watch, a past council member of the Nuttall Ornithological Club, and a past Board member of the Brookline Bird Club.